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CBBCs Outstanding Quantity

59229 HS#TENCTRP2511B

/ Underlying: 0700 TENCENT

RT Quote

CBBCs Market Outstanding Quantity and LP Activity

Volume (Million) Issuer Buy (Million) Issuer Sold (Million) Outstanding Quantity (Million) Outstanding Quantity (%)
16-07-2024 0.805 0.200 0.605 1.070 1.07
15-07-2024 0.880 0.760 0.120 0.665 0.67
12-07-2024 32.880 15.810 16.185 1.305 1.31
11-07-2024 12.440 7.130 5.310 0.930 0.93
10-07-2024 5.420 2.750 2.670 2.750 2.75
09-07-2024 0.560 0.270 0.170 2.830 2.83
08-07-2024 5.765 2.175 2.490 2.930 2.93
05-07-2024 9.295 4.765 4.530 2.615 2.62
04-07-2024 10.195 5.080 5.110 2.850 2.85
03-07-2024 22.430 10.655 10.975 2.820 2.82
Last Update : 16-07-2024 16:20 (15 mins delayed)