Non-collateralized Nature of Structured Products

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Warrants Calculator

24837 MBALIBA@EC2510A

Call / Underlying: 9988 ALIBABA

RT Quote


The Warrants Calculator enables you to calculate the theoretical value of a warrant and to learn how different factors affect the theoretical value of a warrant. All factors that may affect the actual price of a warrant may not be included in the model. The warrant calculator assumes the warrant is European Style only.

The Warrants Calculator is only intended for the purposes of education and reference and do not constitute an offer, a solicitation of an offer, or any advice or recommendation to conclude or participate in any transaction, or provide any investment advice or service.

Warrants Calculator

Simulated Results

  • Underlying Price
  • Underlying Change
  • Delta
  • Warrant Price
  • Warrant Change
  • Effective Gearing4.1X
  • Theta
  • Vega