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Market Outstanding Quantity

24837 MBALIBA@EC2510A

Call / Underlying: 9988 ALIBABA

RT Quote

Warrants Outstanding Quantity and LP Activity

Warrants Volume (M) LP Bought (M) LP Sold (M) Outstanding Quantity (M) Outstanding Quantity (%)
16-07-2024 14.540 7.330 7.130 6.595 16.49
15-07-2024 20.650 10.225 10.425 6.795 16.99
12-07-2024 0.340 0.340 0.000 6.595 16.49
11-07-2024 7.040 3.320 3.685 6.935 17.34
10-07-2024 0.280 0.280 0.000 6.570 16.42
09-07-2024 7.740 3.710 4.010 6.850 17.12
08-07-2024 24.090 12.045 12.045 6.550 16.38
05-07-2024 0.300 0.150 0.150 6.550 16.38
04-07-2024 0.020 0.000 0.020 6.550 16.38
03-07-2024 0.200 0.100 0.100 6.530 16.33
Last Update : 16-07-2024 16:20 (15 mins delayed)