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Market Outstanding Quantity

24475 MB-HSBC@EC2502A

Call / Underlying: 0005 HSBC HOLDINGS

Warrants Outstanding Quantity and LP Activity

Warrants Volume (M) LP Bought (M) LP Sold (M) Outstanding Quantity (M) Outstanding Quantity (%)
22-11-2024 7.268 3.812 3.392 0.080 0.20
21-11-2024 2.936 1.468 1.468 0.500 1.25
20-11-2024 3.208 1.604 1.604 0.500 1.25
19-11-2024 0.736 0.368 0.368 0.500 1.25
18-11-2024 3.360 1.680 1.680 0.500 1.25
15-11-2024 1.340 0.660 0.680 0.500 1.25
14-11-2024 1.768 0.904 0.864 0.480 1.20
13-11-2024 1.184 0.572 0.612 0.520 1.30
12-11-2024 0.952 0.476 0.476 0.480 1.20
11-11-2024 0.416 0.176 0.224 0.480 1.20
Last Update : 22-11-2024 16:20 (15 mins delayed)