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Market Outstanding Quantity

25154 BIPINAN@EC2512A

Call / Underlying: 2318 PING AN

Warrants Outstanding Quantity and LP Activity

Warrants Volume (M) LP Bought (M) LP Sold (M) Outstanding Quantity (M) Outstanding Quantity (%)
13-01-2025 1.045 0.385 0.660 3.465 4.95
10-01-2025 4.060 2.995 0.965 3.190 4.56
09-01-2025 0.340 0.170 0.070 5.220 7.46
08-01-2025 2.945 1.575 1.075 5.320 7.60
07-01-2025 3.540 0.180 3.330 5.820 8.31
06-01-2025 0.120 0.100 0.020 2.670 3.81
03-01-2025 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.750 3.93
02-01-2025 0.400 0.050 0.300 2.750 3.93
31-12-2024 0.070 0.020 0.050 2.500 3.57
30-12-2024 2.120 1.050 1.070 2.470 3.53
Last Update : 14-01-2025 16:20 (15 mins delayed)